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be rolling in造句

"be rolling in"是什么意思  
  • The puppies were rolling in front of the fire
  • Dan the weatherman says a fog bank is rolling in offshore
    气象员丹预报,一条雾带正在近海处蠢蠢欲动. .
  • The money is rolling in
  • It ' s dawn on a quiet hawaiian beach , and huge waves are rolling in
  • You won ' t exactly be rolling in dough - - but you will be more comfortable than most americans
  • Hopefully you ' ll still be where the whitewater is rolling in and not outside the breaker line
  • I m to be a poor , crawling beggar , sponging for rum , when i might be rolling in a coach
  • Video cameras were rolling in baghdad as a convoy escorting an iraqi governor came under attack
  • Give no word of it in gath , let there be no weeping at all : at beth - le - aphrah be rolling in the dust
  • First , everyone knows that hedge - fund managers are rolling in it ; some made more than $ 1 billion last year
  • It's difficult to see be rolling in in a sentence. 用be rolling in造句挺难的
  • Video cameras were rolling in baghdad as a convoy escorting an iraqi governor came under attack
  • Thereafter , from the first to the fourth , from the fourth to the third , from the third to the second shall the thumb be rolled in oil
  • As aging and death are rolling in on me , lord , what else should be done but dhamma - conduct , right conduct , skillful deeds , meritorious deeds ?
    当年老和死亡之轮滚滚地向我而来时,除了以佛的正法、律为导,勤修善行,还能有其它什麽办法呢? !
  • Good news has been rolling in since the proposal to intensify interactive development between the area and the port was approved last year on august 16
  • " as aging and death are rolling in on me , lord , what else should be done but dhamma - conduct , right conduct , skillful deeds , meritorious deeds
    世尊!当年老和死亡之轮滚滚地向我而来时,除了以佛的正法、律为导,勤修善行,还能有其它什麽办法呢? !
  • This machine is designed according to user ' s special requirements . it is used to roll thick and heavy textiles or textiles to be rolled in large diameter in textile mills as well as in wearing & dying mills
  • Had her father only avoided the clutches of the demon drink , by taking the pledge or those powders the drink habit cured in pearson s weekly , she might now be rolling in her carriage , second to none
  • In this royal court there are counselors who , when the enemies arrive , are capable of dividing them by their wits ; but there is no use for those battles of wits , no scope for them , when aging and death are rolling in
  • In this royal court there is abundant bullion and gold stored in vaults and depositories , and with such wealth we are capable of buying off enemies when they come ; but there is no use for those battles of wealth , no scope for them , when aging and death are rolling in
  • " you see , i , who never did a bad action but that i have told you of - am in destitution , with my poor wife dying of fever before my very eyes , and i unable to do anything in the world for her ; i shall die of hunger , as old dant s did , while fernand and danglars are rolling in wealth .
    “您瞧我,我除了刚才告诉您的那件事以外,从没做过一件坏事,可是我却穷困不堪,非但眼看着我那可怜的老婆终日发高烧奄奄一息,毫无办法可以救她,就是我自己也会象老唐太斯那样饿死的,而弗尔南多和腾格拉尔却都在钱堆里打滚。 ”
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